Healthier Happens

Integrative Health Coaching with Lilian

Sometimes coaching is all it takes
Hello! I'm Lilian, a Duke Integrative Medicine trained
National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC).
My passion lies in partnering with clients one-on-one, providing an action-based,
success-oriented framework and support for greater health.

Integrative, client-centered, and convenient
In three to six months, a sustainable, vibrant, and healthy way of life is possible. 
You determine what matters most to you in each coaching session in working towards the health goals that you'd like to achieve. By phone or video-conferencing, we'll meet every week or every other week to explore, discuss, plan, and prepare for each step forward.


Get Started Today

Anyone looking to change how they are living their lives to attain greater health can benefit from health coaching.

Build sustainable habits in the areas of healthy eating, movement, sleep, mindfulness, time management, work-life balance, creating a conducive physical environment, personal or professional development, or otherwise.

We'll focus on the areas that matter most to you and provide tailored support towards reaching your health and wellness goals.


Free Initial Consultation
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Scope of Practice 

In accordance with the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching:

Client Perspectives

"I went into this health coaching process very skeptical about the results, and have been blown away with my progress! There have been areas of my life that I did not realize should be a priority that just in sessions with Lilian really rose to the surface.  Once we discovered these areas of improvement, through exercises and our check-ins, I have really seen positive growth in these areas. Some areas have been more challenging than others, but throughout the process Lilian has really been so helpful and is such a great resource.  I'm so grateful for Lilian and for the health coaching process as it has truly impacted my life in such a positive way.

— Andrea H.
"This was my first time receiving health coaching and Lilian was simply fantastic! It was really life changing for me. I've become a more positive, mindful, and healthier version of myself than before. Health coaching is a way of helping you achieve your goals in a manageable way and keeping you on task. It is not limited to just exercise, diet, and nutrition, she helps you with all sorts of goals. Lilian was very supportive and together we worked out ways to counteract possible obstacles that would prevent me from achieving my goals. 

If you have never been coached before, be prepared to be asked some probing questions about what you are trying to achieve and how you can do so in a reasonable manner. It does require some level of introspection but Lilian really makes it easy!! I find that I understand myself more through the coaching sessions with her and Lilian is able to help me come up with a game plan that is sustainable in the long run. She has taught me that the hardest part of beginning a good habit is getting started and has become an accountability partner to make sure I stay motivated. 

She really listens to you and inquires about what you want and what is achievable so you don't get discouraged while you are striving towards your goals. I think this is so important because many times before health coaching, I made many new year resolutions or goals for myself only to give up halfway and never attain them. 

If I could travel back in time, I would tell my former self to absolutely sign up for a coaching session with Lilian. I wish I had done it earlier since it has made such a positive impact on my life. From this point on I am definitely going to continue my coaching sessions with Lilian. These sessions have changed the way I approach seemingly impossible tasks and have immensely changed my life for the better. They have given me the confidence that I can be happier, healthier, and more mindful with the right guidance and a feasible game plan." 

— Julia S.


I look forward to connecting with you!

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